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Tetzaveh - When the Bell Tolls

Rabbi Moishe New | 02/09/2011

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Vayeshev - Yud Tes Kislev - Revolution and Revelation

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/24/2010

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Vayetze - The Voice in the Still of the Light

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/10/2010

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Chaye Sara - What Has Become of Me!

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/27/2010

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Vayeira - Feminine Stirrings

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/20/2010

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Yom Kippur - The Days of Awe - High on You

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/15/2010

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Ki Savo - Rosh Hashanah - All Things Considered

Rabbi Moishe New | 08/25/2010

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Tanya Conclusion of Chapter 3 - Who Really Knows

Rabbi Moishe New | 06/02/2010

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Sh'lach -Voyage to the Bottom of the Heart

Rabbi Moishe New | 06/02/2010

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Behaalotecha - The Case of the victim, the Criminal and the Mysterious Third Party

Rabbi Moishe New | 05/26/2010

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Behar-Bechukotai - The One Question Nobody Can Afford To Ignore

Rabbi Moishe New | 05/05/2010

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Emor - Pesach Sheni - Ego - Yes or No

Rabbi Moishe New | 04/28/2010

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Achrei-Kedoshim - Love in Two Movements

Rabbi Moishe New | 04/20/2010

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Tazria-Metzorah - For This You Freed Us - Between Passover & Shavuot

Rabbi Moishe New | 04/14/2010

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Vayakhel Pekudei - Show Me the Widom Part 1

Rabbi Moishe New | 03/09/2010

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Purim - So What's New

Rabbi Moishe New | 02/23/2010

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Mishpatim - The Matador

Rabbi Moishe New | 02/10/2010

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Beshalach - Oceans Away

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/30/2010

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Bo - Yud Shevat - Day of Days

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/20/2010

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Shemos - I Am

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/06/2010

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Vayishlach - Yud Tes Kislev - A Prisoner's Ecstasy

Rabbi Moishe New | 12/02/2009

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Vayetze - Breaking the Time Barrier Part II

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/25/2009

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Chaye Sara - Breaking the Time Barrier Part I

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/11/2009

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Vayera - The Power to Heal - The Power to Make Whole Part II

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/04/2009

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Vayera - Nuclear Threat

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/04/2009

How Ancient Kabbalastic Texts Foretold the Nuclear Age and What the Final Outcome Will Be
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Lech Lecha - Monetary Mayham - The Secret to Financial Security

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/29/2009

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Sukkot - From Sound to Sight to Touch

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/30/2009

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Hazinu - Shabbos Shuva - Sounds of Silence

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/23/2009

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Ki Tavo - Rosh Hashana - The King and I

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/02/2009

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Ki Tetze - Elul Part II - Not on Command

Rabbi Moishe New | 08/26/2009

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Shoftim - Elul Part 1 - Holy Days Without Joy

Rabbi Moishe New | 08/19/2009

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Re'eh - Divine Diet

Rabbi Moishe New | 08/12/2009

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Ekev - The 15th of Av - And Who is the Fairest of them All

Rabbi Moishe New | 08/05/2009

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Naso - Shavuot - The History of the World in 3 Movements

Rabbi Moishe New | 06/04/2009

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Shavuot - Dairy Delights

Rabbi Moishe New | 05/27/2009

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Bamidbar - Shavuot A 3 Movement Symphony

Rabbi Moishe New | 05/20/2009

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Achrei-Kedoshim - Ethics of our Fathers - Chapter 4 - Who Wants to Be A

Rabbi Moishe New | 04/29/2009

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Tazria Meztzorah - Sefirat Ha'Omer - Count Me In

Rabbi Moishe New | 04/22/2009

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Vayakhel Pekudei - Passover - Part 1

Rabbi Moishe New | 03/18/2009

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Ki Tissa

Rabbi Moishe New | 03/11/2009

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Tetzaveh - Purim - Friends!

Rabbi Moishe New | 03/04/2009

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Terumah - Futures and Acquistions - Guarnteed !

Rabbi Moishe New | 02/25/2009

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Mishpatim - Order in The Court

Rabbi Moishe New | 02/18/2009

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Yisro - Tu B'Shevat - New Year For Trees - Potential Versus Actual

Rabbi Moishe New | 02/11/2009

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Bo - G-d's Credentials

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/28/2009

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Vaera - What Happens When I Die Part 2

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/21/2009

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Shemos - Sticks & Stones

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/14/2009

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Vayeshev - What Happens When I Die Part 2

Rabbi Moishe New | 12/17/2008

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Vayishlach - What Happens When I Die

Rabbi Moishe New | 12/10/2008

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Toldos - What Is The World Coming To?

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/26/2008

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Chayah Sara - I Don't Deserve This - Strategies For Stress

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/19/2008

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Vayera- Deep Desires - Where Freud Failed

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/12/2008

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Rabbi Zalman Kaplan | 11/05/2008

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Lech Lecha - Beneath The Surface - A Kabbalah Primer

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/05/2008

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Noach - To See Or Not To See

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/30/2008

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Nitzavim - Rosh Hashana Unveiled

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/24/2008

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Ki Tavo - Chai Elul - Approaching The Final Curtain - Revisiting The Primary Question

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/17/2008

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Ki Seitze - Evolving Enlightenment

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/10/2008

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Re'eh - Elul - A Haven in Time

Rabbi Moishe New | 08/27/2008

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Devarim - Tisha B'Av - Day of Days

Rabbi Moishe New | 08/06/2008

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Chukas - Homeward Bound

Rabbi Moishe New | 07/02/2008

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Korach - I Spy Part 2 - Talk To Me

Rabbi Moishe New | 06/25/2008

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Shlach - I Spy

Rabbi Moishe New | 06/18/2008

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Behaalotecha - Post Shavuos - Divine in The Details

Rabbi Moishe New | 06/11/2008

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Naso - Hands Down - Secrets of The Levitical Clans

Rabbi Moishe New | 06/04/2008

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Bechukotai - Lag B'Omer - A Holiday Whose Time Has Come

Rabbi Moishe New | 05/21/2008

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Behar - Pesach Sheni - One Over Seven

Rabbi Moishe New | 05/14/2008

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Emor - Tying Up Times Ends

Rabbi Moishe New | 05/07/2008

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Passover Unplugged

Rabbi Moishe New | 04/08/2008

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Tzav - Moving Purim Stories

Rabbi Moishe New | 03/20/2008

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Vayikra - Purim Part 3 - Just Don't Know Anymore

Rabbi Moishe New | 03/13/2008

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Pekudei - Purim Part 2 - Beyond the Gallows

Rabbi Moishe New | 03/05/2008

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Vaykhel - Purim Part 1 - Veiled

Rabbi Moishe New | 02/27/2008

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Ki Tissa - Purim Katan - Give Her the Sun and the Moon

Rabbi Moishe New | 02/20/2008

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Tetzaveh - Here's Looking at You

Rabbi Moishe New | 02/14/2008

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Mishpatim - In Custody

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/30/2008

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Tu B'Shevat - Go Tell It To The Horses and Donkeys

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/23/2008

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Yud Shevat - The 10th of Shevat - Crazy For You

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/16/2008

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On Birthdays and Yartzeits

Rabbi Moishe New | 01/09/2008

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The Tenth of Tevet - A Seige of Support

Rabbi Moishe New | 12/19/2007

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Vayishlach - Kislev - When Earth Meets Heaven

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/21/2007

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Vayetze - To Be and Not To Be

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/14/2007

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Toldos - Upstairs Downstairs Part 2

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/07/2007

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Upstairs Downstairs

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/31/2007

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Vayeira - Futuristic Foliage

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/24/2007

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The Divine Delete

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/17/2007

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Yom Kippur - Day of Days

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/18/2007

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Rosh Hashana - Divine Surges

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/05/2007

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Can G-d Care? Part 1

Rabbi Moishe New | 08/28/2007

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Elul - An Oasis of Refuge

Rabbi Moishe New | 08/07/2007

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Tu B'Av - The Dancing Maidens

Rabbi Moishe New | 07/31/2007

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Shavuos - Special Lecture of SIGHTS and SOUNDS

Rabbi Moishe New | 05/15/2007

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Shavuos - A Relationship in three movements

Rabbi Moishe New | 05/08/2007

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Parshas Vayishlach

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/24/2006

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Who Wants to be a Millionaire

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/15/2006

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Lech Lecha - The Mystery of the Missing Introduction

Rabbi Moishe New | 11/01/2006

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Cheshvan 7 - The Last Jew

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/25/2006

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Cain and Abel - The Primal Feud

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/18/2006

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In G-d's embrace

Rabbi Moishe New | 10/04/2006

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Yom Kippur - Souls On Fire

Rabbi Moishe New | 09/27/2006

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Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785