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Family Events


At MTC we take that very seriously. Holidays are celebrated in high-style where everyone is guaranteed a fun and spiritually energizing time.

Mega Family Dinner in the Sukkah

At this highly anticipated event, diners enjoy the magnificence of Sukkot at the home of Rabbi Itchy and
Zeldie. A special kids section, great food, good drink and even better company make for a festive experience for the whole family.

Sukkot Street Celebration

Celebrate the holiday with a pizza dinner in the Sukkah, music, a fair in our parking lot, dancing on the street and family entertainment.

Simchat Torah Hakafot

Reserved for the children, the first ‘Hakofo’ is a lively dance. Each child receives a gift of a plush Torah. The program is followed by a family dinner and the remaining ‘Hakafot’.

Hampstead's Public Menorah Lighting

Display your Jewish pride as we light the Menorah with Town of Hampstead officials at Hampstead Park. There is hot food and Chanukah gifts for everyone. The program is followed by a Menorah-Limo Parade through Hampstead.

Themed Purim Banquet

A MTC annual highlight is the mega Purim bash with a different theme every year. The event includes a full dinner, activities, games, a fair, photo booth, music and more - all matching that year’s theme. Get creative and come dressed-up.

Lag B'Omer Family BBQ

Enjoy this ‘block-party’ style BBQ in our parking lot with inflatables for the kids, face painting, music, a bonfire and entertainment.

Shavuot Ice Cream Party

After hearing the Ten Commandments in the synagogue, kids are treated to an Ice Cream Party with games, activities and a full outdoor fair led by our incredible Shabbat Kids Program counselors.


MTC hosts special family Shabbatons that include a festive Shabbat Dinner, a guest speaker and a full kids program with games and activities.

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785